Quel service recherchez-vous ?
Diagramme de référence
Pour les professionnels de la santé (Bilingue)
EN+FR 6-18-24 Substance Use Referral Tool
Voir aussi :
- Services en dépendance dans Nipissing-Témiskaming
- Santé mentale à Timiskaming (Hôpital de Temiskaming)
- Connex Ontario 1-866-531-2600
- Alcoholics Anonymous Northeast Ontario
Une liste imprimable des emplacements de réduction des méfaits :
Intervenir en cas de surdose
Reconnaître et inverser temporairement une surdose
Prévenir et intervenir en cas de surdose
Obtenez une trousse de naloxone GRATUITE
Lignes de crise et d’aide
Call or Text: 9-8-8
Vous êtes en droit d’être entendu.e. Nous sommes ici pour vous écouter.
Si vous pensez au suicide ou si vous vous inquiétez pour quelqu’un d’autre, nous sommes là pour vous aider.
Appelez ou textez le 9-8-8 gratuitement, à tout moment — les lignes sont ouvertes 24/7, 365 jours par année.
Informations et FAQ :
1 866-856-9276
La « Warm Line » régionale offre gratuitement un soutien par les pairs de 18 h à 12 h, 365 jours par année (sauf les jours fériés).
Des travailleurs ayant reçu la formation nécessaire qui ont une expérience vécue de problèmes de santé mentale sont là pour fournir aux personnes qui appellent un soutien et de l’empathie sur le plan de la santé mentale.
1 888-688-6677
NORS est une ligne téléphonique de prévention des surdoses pour les Canadiens qui vous offre un soutien affectueux, confidentiel et sans jugement, où que vous soyez
Appelez OU envoyez un message texte( Canada seulement): 1-888-688-NORS (6677)
Utilisez l'application mobile Brave Technology Corp (mondiale): L'application Brave The Brave App
Échange par texto avec un répondant aux crises.
Texte PARLER au 686-868
Tu préfères appeler quelqu’un pour parler de ce qui te préoccupe?
Compose le 1-800-668-6868
Jeunesse, J'écoute (JJ) est le seul service national 24/7 qui offre des services bilingues (anglais et français) d’intervention professionnelle, des ressources et du soutien par texto aux jeunes.
Soutien téléphonique offert par les pairs de 8 h 30 à 16 h, ainsi que de 18 h à 12 h par l’entremise de la « Warm Line » régionale (1 866 856-9276). « Warm Line » régionale between 6 p.m. and midnight (1-866-856-9276)
Région de Timmins :
705-267-8100 en semaine de 8h30 à 16h30
705-264-3003 ou 1-888-340-3003, les soirs et les week-ends
District de Timiskaming
Please call 1-833-456-4566 toll free, or visit Talk Suicide Canada.
Ligne de crise ouverte à tout le monde 24 heures sur 24.
Laissez-nous vous aider !
La Nation métisse de l'Ontario (NMO) est fière d'offrir une ligne de crise en santé mentale et en dépendances (MHA) disponible 24 heures sur 24. Pour un soutien en santé mentale et en dépendances adapté aux spécificités culturelles, destiné aux adultes, aux jeunes et aux familles en Ontario (disponible en anglais et en français).
Une fois connecté, les services peuvent être offerts en personne, par téléphone ou par vidéoconférence.
Pour les questions non urgentes, les orientations vers les programmes de santé mentale et dépendances (MHA), ou pour obtenir de l'aide afin de naviguer dans les services de santé mentale et de dépendances dans votre communauté, veuillez contacter nos services de soutien confidentiels à :
Numéro sans frais : 1-800-263-4889 poste 7 Courriel :
Services de soutien en justice
Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM) (705) 267-8100
Maureen Harkin, Gestionnaire des dossiers de justice
Contactez : 705-567-9596
Intervention auprès des tribunaux
Le volet Intervention auprès des tribunaux offre du plaidoyer et du soutien aux personnes (jeunes et adultes) actuellement impliquées ou risquant d’être impliquées dans le système judiciaire. L’intervention auprès des tribunaux travaille en étroite collaboration avec d’autres partenaires du système de justice pénale pour diriger les personnes répondant aux critères hors du système judiciaire et vers des soutiens et services appropriés.
La gestion intensive des dossiers
La gestion intensive des dossiers offre un soutien aux personnes en conflit avec le système de justice pénale et qui ont besoin d'aide pour réduire le risque de nouvelles arrestations criminelles et pour rester autonomes dans la communauté. Le gestionnaire des dossiers de justice collabore avec les clients pour élaborer et atteindre les objectifs qu'ils ont identifiés. Cela inclut :
- évaluation et planification individualisées;
- coordination des services (mettre les personnes en lien avec des services et des soutiens);
- plaidoyer systémique/coordination des ressources.
Libération sous garde
Ce service offre un soutien intensif et à court terme en gestion de cas aux personnes actuellement incarcérées ou en voie de libération. Les services sont proposés pour faciliter une transition harmonieuse vers la communauté, réduire la récidive et promouvoir un mode de vie axé sur le rétablissement.
La façon la plus rapide d’obtenir de l’aide juridique est d’appeler Aide juridique Ontario sans frais au 1‑800‑668‑8258
Disponible du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h à 17 h.
Si vous êtes dans un établissement correctionnel ou si vous cherchez des services tels que des conseils juridiques sommaires, ce service peut vous aider.
Site web :
3 Pine Street South, Suite 202
Timmins, ON P4N 2J9
Tél. : 705-267-0300
Téléc. : 705-267-0330
Sans frais : 1-866-382-0300
Site web :
Services aux victimes du Temiskaming et district est un organisme communautaire sans but lucratif qui offre une aide immédiate en cas de crise par l’entremise de notre personnel professionnel qui travaille en partenariat avec la police, les services d’urgence et d’autres organismes communautaires.
300 Armstrong Street North,
New Liskeard, Ont, P0J 1P0
Tél: (705)-647-0096
12 Steps Groups (NA, AA, Family Groups)
Hôtel Microtel, 350, ch. Government O., Kirkland Lake
En personne
7:00 pm Monday and Thursday
Église Emmanuel United Church, 62 5th Ave, Englehart
En personne
20h - mardi
Église Trinity United Church, 53, av. Duncan S., Kirkland Lake
En personne
8:00pm Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
Sous-sol de l’église St. Elizabeth’s Roman Catholic Church, avenue Harmony, Temagami
En personne
19 h 30 – mardi
Mother of Perpetual Help Church
81 Maple St N, New Liskeard.
En personne
10:30 AM, every Saturday
St. Paul’s United Church
70 Wellington St S, New Liskeard.
En personne
8:00PM on Wednesday
Timiskaming First Nation Health Centre
Av. Algonquin, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, QC J0Z 3B0
Monday 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Note: Please use the back door
Église Good Shepherd Church, 139 Second St., Englehart
19 h – jeudi
Amis et membres de la famille d’une personne ayant un problème lié à la consommation de substances
Holy Name Hall, 37, rue Kirkland O., Kirkland Lake
19 h 30 – mercredi
Online meetings in Northeast Ontario (Area 84)
SERVICES OFFERTS SANS RENDEZ-VOUS ET PAR TÉLÉPHONE Les bureaux de Timmins, de Kirkland Lake et de New Liskeard de l’ACSM-CT offrent des services SANS RENDEZ-VOUS et PAR TÉLÉPHONE.
- Du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30. Pour assurer l’accessibilité des programmes, chaque bureau a des heures prolongées un jour par semaine.
Il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir un rendez-vous ni de se faire adresser aux services. Il suffit de se présenter au bureau ou d’appeler pour parler immédiatement avec un intervenant en santé mentale et en traitement des dépendances.
Kirkland Lake: 705-567-9596
New Liskeard: 705-647-4444
Timmins: 705-267-8100
CMHA Website also recommended to following services:
Free online peer support and self management tool
Breaking Free: Free confidential wellness and recovery support program
Mino M’shki-ki offers clinical services including Mental Health and Addictions Counselling.
Site web :
New Liskard Location
421 Shepherdson Rd, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
705-647-7855 Ext. 3000
Kirkland Location
705-647-7855 Ext. 2100
Free Addiction Counselling offered by Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF).
When life’s got you down, One Stop Talk is here for you.
If you’re 17 and under, you can instantly connect with a therapist and develop a plan together to move forward and feel better.
Réduction des méfaits
Harm Reduction Outreach Workers
- Kirkland Lake and Area
Brian Pascoe
Tel: (705) 648-5406 Email:
- Englehart and Area
Courtney Kruger
Tel: (705) 648-4619 Email:
- Temiskaming Shores and Cobalt Area
Jonathan Joy
Tel: (705) 570-0513 Email:
247 Whitewood Avenue
New Liskeard
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM-4:30PM Closed from 12-1PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
63 Fifth Street
8:30 AM-4:30PM Closed from 12-1PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
31 Station Road N.
Kirkland Lake
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM-4:30PM Closed from 12-1PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
345 Cecil St, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0
9AM—5PM; 7 days/week
Women Only
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
15 Government Rd E, Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1A2
Women Only
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
20 May Street
New Liskeard
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM-4:30PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
5 Kirkland Street W.
Kirkland Lake
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM-4:30PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
63 5d’ici qui vous montreront comment vous déplacer à pied de façon sécuritaire. Street
Monday-Thursday 8AM-5PM
Friday 9AM-4PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
368 Main Street
(Smallman’s) Haileybury
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
421 Shepherdson Road
New Liskeard
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
109 Burnside Road
Kirkland Lake
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
14 Armstrong Street N.
New Liskeard
Monday—Friday 9AM—6PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
6729 Hwy. 11N
Monday—Friday 9AM—5:30PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
71 Front Street
Elk Lake
Monday – Thursday 8:30AM-4PM Closed from 12-1PM
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
15 Godfrey St, Larder Lake, ON P0K 1L0
61 Connell Ave, Virginiatown, ON P0K 1X0
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
- CMHA – New Liskeard: 705-647-4444
20 May St S, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
- Englehart Family Health Team: 705-544-2321
63 5th St, Englehart, ON P0J 1H0
- CMHA – Kirkland Lake: 705-567-9596
Kay Building, 5 Kirkland St E, Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1N9
Addictions counseling and treatment options, including methadone and suboxone programs.
Walk-ins are welcome.
Address: Smallman’s Pharmacy, 368 Main Street,
Haileybury, ON
Time: Monday : 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday : 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Phone: (705)672-1044
Site web :
29 Government Rd E, Kirkland Lake
Substance use support, walk ins welcome
Northern Drugs offers:
- Opioid Agonist Therapy, including methadone, suboxone, sublocade, kadian, etc. based on clinical needs.
- Harm reduction supplies
- Sharps disposal program
Address: 14 Armstrong St N,
New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
Phone: 705-628-2179
Guardian Cobalt Pharmacy offers:
- General pharmacy services
- MedsCheck (review prescription)
- Shaprs disposal and Naloxone
- Addiction Medicine Programs through TrueNorth Medical including:
Phone: 705-679-2146
Fax: 705-679-2148
Address: 24 Prospect Ave, Cobalt, ON P0J 1C0
Soutien par les pairs, en deuil et familial
Kirkland Lake area, Virginiatown, and Larder Lake.
Brian, Peer Support Worker
Phone: 705-648-5406
Northern Star offers two drop-in centers throughout the district, self-help groups dealing with issues like emotions, coping skills, assertiveness training and life skills.
Contact: 705-647-7566.
Or contact CMHA: 705-647-4444 extension 1 for the direct line to speak with the Walk-in, Call-in Team.
Courses offer by AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario
- Grief Basics: Learning more about our grief and the grief of our colleagues, clients, and communities to develop a shared language for solidarity and support.
- When Grief Comes to Work: Managing grief in the workplace.
- Peer Engagement Facilitator Training (for peer support workers).
Cliquer ici to access.
Holding Hope Groups are peer-led support groups, offered at no cost, to families with loved ones living with addiction (substance use disorder) across Canada.
For more information please visit:
Healing Hearts
Peer Support After a Loss from Substance Use Related Causes. Healing Hearts support groups offer an open-format peer-led model of support. The group facilitators have lived experience and have personally lost a loved one to substance related harms.
Contact form:
North Bay:
Rural Area Online SUPPORT GROUP:
What do I tell the kids? How do I support them? is a free online resource that helps parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or has died. It equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life’s losses in healthy ways.
Grief Stories offers a range of resources to help grievers explore and express their own grief stories, and to connect with the stories of others, helping them feel less alone.
All content, including our videos, is vetted by health care experts.
Banques Alimentaires
65 6th Avenue
Phone: 705-961-0641 or 705-544-2826
Fridays 10AM-12PM
Located in the basement of the building behind Town Hall (go around back) First time visitors complete a form.
260 Whitewood Avenue
New Liskeard
Phone: 705-647-4115
Call Wednesdays between 10:00 am – 12:00 p.m. to book an appointment.
Appointments are scheduled on Wednesdays 1:00 p.m – 2:30 p.m.
6 Sylvanite Avenue
Phone: 705-567-5877
Open by appointment
500 Broadway Street
Phone: 705-672-2119
Open Thursdays 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
22 Earle Street, Cobalt
Phone: 705-679-1197
The food bank is located on 22 Earle Street in Cobalt and is run by a group of committed volunteers who raise funds, collect food, shop for groceries, stock the food bank and disburse food to needy individuals and families within the municipalities of Cobalt, Coleman and Latchford.
Open Wednesday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Community services at the Town of Cobalt
65 Sixth Avenue
Phone: 705-961-0641 or 705-544-2826
Open Fridays 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Accessible at the Temiskaming Shores Public Library during opening hours.
285 Whitewood Ave W, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
Services pour les peuples autochtones
Learn about residential and non-residential mental health services and support. Get treatment for mental health and addiction, including crisis intervention, suicide prevention and counselling.
Cliquer ici to find:
Crisis Team Program
Indigenous mental health and addiction treatment and healing centres
Mental health day programs
Find healing, health and wellness services, including counselling, advocacy, residential and day programs, referrals and translation services.
Cliquer ici for:
Community Wellness Workers
Healing lodges
Health navigators
Health Outreach Workers
Outpatient hostels (Timmins and Kenora)
Get an Indigenous language translator for health care
Services Outside of Timiskaming District: Treatment/Detox/Recovery
North Bay
Addiction Services
393 Oak Street West
North Bay, ON P1B 2T2
Fax: 705-472-6442
Reach CMHA and ask to be transferred.
Co-ed 90-day programming, in person meetings, and personal counselor,
In house treatment programs, assessment done in person or by phone. Free, through self-referral, or agency.
Aftercare available for people living/staying in the area (out patient Day treatment using arm reduction approach vs. Abstinence Monday-Friday 10-3.
Men: There is an aftercare home (after in house tx), geared to income, where residents can stay up to another 6 months. Housing and parenting programs available. Residents are with a buddy for the first few weeks, then can go out in the community alone.
Women: In house residential 5 weeks, with an aftercare home, geared to income, up to 8 months afterwards.
Community Withdrawal Management
700 Ross Ave E
Timmins, ON
P4N 8P2
Fax: 705-264-6525
In-house detox beds and sublocade treatment available.
28 day program (with possible extensions as needed). It is mostly self-referral, but agency, or peer referrals can help. Daily programing includes meditation, physical health work, CBT/DBT, healing circles based around PTSD healing and, dealing with trauma, aboriginal teachings, a once a week one on one with a personal counsellor. Food is very good. Free Funding. Residents are asked to do basic cleaning and upkeep. Three in person meetings a week, with access to Zoom. Clients can then register to a longer term treatment centre if they need it. They have a dedicated doctor and medical team, and deal with methadone, suboxone, and sublocade, as well as physical and mental health issues. Med are dispensed by staff 3X per day. Residents attend a store for snacks, and cigarettes (allowed) 2X a week. They will not release a resident with no place to go.
They also have a safe bed side, for emergency detox, homeless coupled wih SUDS, and justice beds available. A nurse is on staff there 24/7. And yu basically sleep, eat, watch TV and try to feel better, with the goal of transferring over to the other side . General stays here are 2 weeks, but can be 6 weeks or even longer. They are CO-ED, with around 12 in house treatment beds. They have counsellors trained in dealing with dual diagnosis.
Smooth Rock Falls, ON
P0L 2B0
Fax: 705-338-4580
Residential in patient support services (20-28 days) tx
Call intake, do phone assessment
If bed is available, you have 24 hours to get there
If no bed available, call every day at 8:00 am until one is available.
Elliot Lake
Barbara Ridley – Director
24 Hours
Family co ed
Free, services offered 100% in French, men and women, in house treatment program.
Therapeutic approach based on respect, empathy, and understanding the individuial need of the client. Clinical team consists of well educated workers that are trained in dual diagnosis, SUD, and codependancy. 28 days program .Info sessions and in person 12 Steps programs in the community or via Zoom. They have : group therapy, education sessions, one on one counselling, educational films, learning the 12 Steps, personal work as needed. Learn to deal with stress, communication, self-affirmation, relapse causes, learning to live a positive lifestyles after treatment. Provides mental health and SUD treatment/counselling. They have an aftercare program that last as long as the client needs it, and the also Provide a Family Program for helping rebuild family affected by SUD.
Sault Saint Marie
Residential facility that offers six to eight beds for women 19 years of age or older, who are wanting to make changes to their substance use. Residents can expect to take part in groups in Breton House and out in the community, as well as attend 12 Step meetings. Smoke free and zero-tolerance for alcohol or other drugs, and there is zero-tolerance for violent threats or actions towards residents or staff and residents are expected to refrain from illegal activity.
Complete and fax assessment and once received, it will be reviewed by staff, and they will contact you at the contact number provided. An initial interview will be done over the phone, or in person, to assess your needs and gather more information and complete the intake process.
Key Points:
Mood altering medications are accepted on a case by case basis, and can be discussed with staff during the initial intake process.
Any residents on methadone/suboxone, must be on a stable dose. Breton House can discuss further information regarding methadone/suboxone during the initial intake process.
Requires a minimum commitment for three months and can stay for up to one year.
Assigned a primary counsellor also be put on a buddy system for two weeks upon admission.
Residents are expected to participate in 12 Step meetings, groups at Breton House, and groups in the community. Residents are assigned therapeutic duties, and are expected to complete them as required.
- Women’s Issues groups
- Meditation
- Life Skills
- Health education
- Art therapy
- Anger Management
- Daily walks
Sault Saint Marie
24 Hours
Male recovery home with a phase 2 sober living house
Have an online registration) at Fill out the application and the clients must then call every Monday between 7 and 8AM, until they have an opening. They are a 14-18 beds in house residential recovery home, based on the Icelandic model. They have programming 2X a day Mon-Fri, with one 1-on-1 counselling session a week, as well as in person community AA/NA meetings, job and housing planning, medical access. Beyond that the residents have lots of freedom to come and go. Cell phones are allowed, as are laptops, wifi is free. If you are caught using, they send you to a 4 day hospital detox in Sault Saint Marie, then you return. If it happens more than once, the client is evaluated on a person to person basis. Men only. It is a 90 day program, with a Sober Living Home available afterwards for up to 18 months. Alumni are welcome to attend any in house program sessions. It is generally free, but they may ask you to contribute to rent if you are able. Residents also help maintain general chores to keep up to home. Food is excellent. Residents prepare uncooked breakfast themselves, and have a lunch and dinner time.
Thunder Bay
24 hours
Recovery, Pre Treatment, and Post treatment
Detox needed before residential treatment offered.
90 day program, with a Sober Living House for post treatment up to 18 months. OHIP + other health care covered. Dual diagnosis therapy available. Post treatment is specified by the clients as per thier goals (goal orientated). . Application is online ( Co-Ed seperate facilities. 1st month client cannot leave without a peer, with 2 exceptions per week. After 1 month you are allowed to leave facility on your own.
There is also a female specific Recovery Home in Thunder Bay. Sister Margaret Smith Center. 807 684 5100. Open 24 hours.
In Thunder Bay there is also:
- Balmoral Centre 807 623 6515. Open 24 hours.
- Beendigen Women’s shelter 807 346 4357
- OATC Thunder Bay South opiate treatment 807 624 2900
Thunder Bay
24 hours
24 Hours
24 hours
24 Hours
Assisted living
OAT and addiction treatment
Carlsbad Springs
Services Sociaux
Conseil d’administration des services sociaux du district de Timiskaming
Kirkland Lake and Temiskaming Shores
Toll Free: (888) 544-5555
Programs include:
The Salvation Army
Temiskaming Shores
(705) 647-3743
Kirkland Lake
(705) 567-5877
Centre des femmes Pavilion
Kirkland Lake and Haileybury
1-888-871-9090 (Toll Free)
Emergency shelter for women and their children.
Crisis support and ongoing counselling for women with lived experience of:
Services aux victimes Témiskaming et district
705-647-0096 or 705-568-2154.
Provide confidential crisis assistance and support for anyone who has experienced any crime or tragic circumstance, including:
Northern College Community Employment Services
Kirkland Lake Area
Temiskaming Shores Area
Free services for anyone:
Zack's Crib
Safe Bed Facility for Temiskaming Shores & Area
183 Broadwood Avenue
PO Box 1778
New Liskeard, ON, P0J 1P0